Green Jobs for Londoners

London's Mayoral candidates

We are a group of people in West London, including current and ex-employees at London Heathrow Airport (LHR) and we are writing this letter to Mayoral candidates because we are concerned about the loss of jobs in the area and especially those connected to, or at Heathrow and measures being put in place by employers there.

You can co-sign the letter with us and help our campaign grow stronger.

It is vital that London becomes a cleaner, greener city with better paid and more secure green job opportunities for people like us.

See here for more details about the Just Transition Campaign -

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To: London's Mayoral candidates
From: [Your Name]

To the Mayoral Candidates for London,

Sadiq Khan, Labour
Shaun Bailey, Conservatives
Luisa Porritt, Liberal Democrats
Sian Berry, Green Party

Re: Seeking your support for new Green Jobs from current, ex-employees at London Heathrow Airport (LHR), their friends families and supporters

We are a group of people in West London, including current and ex-employees at London Heathrow Airport (LHR) and we are writing this letter because we are concerned about the loss of jobs in the area and especially those connected to, or at Heathrow and measures being put in place by employers there.

We are now bearing the impact of the end of furlough scheme and the huge wave of redundancies. Some of our companies have made more than 450 employees redundant. Many of us are out of work. We are worrying how we will find jobs to pay bills, feed our families and keep roofs over our heads. The uncertainty is affecting our physical and mental health. We don’t know what the future holds.

As a group, many of us are members of organisations that are part of London Citizens, an alliance of 290 civil society organisations in the city, with over 200,000 people in our membership, working together for justice and the common good. We support the campaign by Citizens UK to ensure that London becomes the First Just Transition City in the UK.

Specifically, the Citizens UK campaign - - is focussing on 2 asks of the next Mayor of London (from May 2021), to:

1. Create 60,000 good green jobs and apprenticeships (employing and training ‘Just Transition Champions’) over the next mayoral term, focussing on low income and diverse communities.

2. Work towards ending fuel poverty by 2030, by upgrading 100,000 homes over the next Mayoral term, to reduce emissions, improve wellbeing and create good green jobs.

We are calling on all London Mayoral candidates to support these 2 keys asks above, and work with Citizens UK to create a Green Jobs Coalition comprised of businesses, unions, charities, faith groups, colleges and other training organisations to make these asks a reality.

Will you please publicly back the campaign?

We ask that, in the creation of any new jobs in London, first consideration be given to the training and redeployment of people employed or made redundant in the West London area, the travel industry or affected by the situation at Heathrow. This will go some way to improving the economy and alleviating the suffering and stress faced by us and the many people like us who struggling to pay bills, accommodation and housing in the local area.

Your sincerely,

Concerned employees, ex-employees, friends and supporters in West London and at London Heathrow Airport.

Inacia Camelo
Kamal Naiawain
Constancio Rodrigues
Sharda Rai
Vicentina De Silva
Feliciana Taveir
Blaza Gonsalves
Paulo D Souza
U. Fernandes
A. M. De Paia
Muhammad R
Pedro De Melo
Sakuntala Rai
Beiayaesh Wendimu
Soccorinha Vas
Ana P Fernandes
Olive De Souza
Amrita Gurung
Teodolina Fernandes
Joao Caetana Fernandes
S Uthayaraj
Dilipa Sacaramametar
Jose Monteiro
Sacramenta D'Souza
Francisco Pereira
Victor Afonso
Ula Fernandes
Miguel Patricio
Benerth Correia
Sabina A Da Cunha
Maria Pereira
Mariano Fernandes
Otalino Cruz
Jose De Souza
Matan Mahomed
Maria Colaco
Irene Braganca
Aleixinha Costa
Rosaria Souza
Sydney Fernandes
Vicentinha Rebelo
Lily Gracias
Kevin Colaco
David Howe
Ivy Fernandes
Francisco de Melo
Diogo Antao
Valeriano Coutinho
Jose Mendes
Gerard Mitchell
Susan Cawley
Bruno Fernandes

Ayez Salyed

Franyo Rodrigues

Mustapha Messudi

K. Senthilnathan

Chandrakant Karsan Chohan

Abul Chowdhury

Sathyan Rajakumar