Impeach Kavanaugh NOW

The House of Representatives

Brett Kavanaugh has a history of repeated sexual assault, he lied about it to Congress while under oath, and he must be impeached.

We believe Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez and are calling on the House of Representatives to step up and fully investigate the abundant evidence that Brett Kavanaugh has a history of sexual misconduct AND that he lied about it under oath. It is clear that he is not fit to spend the rest of his life on the Supreme Court.

Tell the House of Representatives to support Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s impeachment resolution against Brett Kavanaugh now >>>

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To: The House of Representatives
From: Glen Anderson

Brett Kavanaugh has a history of repeated sexual assault, he lied about it to Congress while under oath, and he must be impeached.

We believe Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez and are calling on the House of Representatives to step up and fully investigate the abundant evidence that Brett Kavanaugh has a history of sexual misconduct AND that he lied about it under oath. It is clear that he is not fit to spend the rest of his life on the Supreme Court.

Do your constitutional duty and begin impeachment investigations against Brett Kavanaugh now>>>