Labor, Sign the Petition: No War on Iran! US Out of Iraq!

The US Labor Movement


Working people, poor people, and frontline communities of color are most heavily impacted by the effects of endless war. Our members feel the force of this devastation first and worst. We call on working people everywhere to oppose a catastrophic war with Iran and stand for the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of our troops from Iraq. Our members have more in common with the working brothers and sisters abroad than with the Trump administration or any chicken-hawk politician.

Imperialist war is the banality of evil with workers at both ends. It is always poor and working people who end up paying for these interventions in suffering and loss. Our families and communities take the greatest blow and have the biggest stake in moving as rapidly as possible from a war economy to one that fosters peace, environmental health, a just economic transition, and adequately funded social policies to meet human needs.

Organized labor with its allies is the strongest, best-organized force to turn this around. Who will speak for the global majority of working people and poor people if organized labor does not? Future generations will ask what the labor movement did to respond to this moment. We urge you to take bold leadership and action to protect working people everywhere by:

  1. Turning out to the Sat. Jan. 25 Global Day of Protest against a new war in the Middle East.
  2. Passing this resolution or reaching out to your union leadership to take a public stance against this aggression.
  3. Getting your union affiliated with US Labor Against the War.
  4. Joining as one of our members or supporters in the struggle to demilitarize our economy.

We invite rank-and-file members, unions and other labor bodies, and all people who support these views to join US Labor Against the War in this effort. The actions we take today will determine the world that our children, grandchildren, and future generations will inhabit tomorrow and for centuries to come. Let’s act decisively now to stand for international solidarity of all workers.

In solidarity and struggle,

US Labor Against the War

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To: The US Labor Movement
From: Chris Garlock

Organized labor with its allies is the strongest, best-organized force to turn this around. Who will speak for the global majority of working people and poor people if organized labor does not? Future generations will ask what the labor movement did to respond to this moment. We urge you to take bold leadership and action to protect working people everywhere.

We invite rank-and-file members, unions and other labor bodies, and all people who support these views to join US Labor Against the War in this effort. The actions we take today will determine the world that our children, grandchildren, and future generations will inhabit tomorrow and for centuries to come. Let’s act decisively now to stand for international solidarity of all workers.