Invest in Our Recovery Organizational Sign-On Statement
Building Our Campaign Coalition
Building Our Campaign Coalition
[Your Name]
Fighting COVID-19, relieving the economic damage it is causing for Massachusetts workers, families, and businesses, and tackling the racial inequities that exist throughout our society – these urgent priorities all require state spending on education, healthcare, transportation, housing, safety net programs, emergency paid sick time, and other critical public services. But as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, state and local budget shortfalls are already causing budget cuts, layoffs, and furloughs across the Commonwealth.
State budget cuts will only worsen the effects of the economic downturn, impair our recovery, and further harm the people and communities who are already disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially people of color, immigrants, and low-income communities. Our state lawmakers have a choice: we can let deep budget cuts drive us deeper into a recession that deepens racial inequities, or we can invest in public services that improve public health, grow our economy, and reduce racial inequities.
Throughout this economic crisis, many large corporations continue to generate enormous profits that flow overwhelmingly to the wealthiest shareholders. And for years, these large corporations have used loopholes, tax breaks, and weak corporate disclosure laws to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. If federal aid and the state’s rainy day fund are not sufficient to make up for the drop in state revenue, profitable corporations and their shareholders should pay more to support our economic recovery.
By increasing the tax rate on corporate profits, conforming to federal law for the taxation of domestic profits that are shifted overseas (known as GILTI, or ‘Global Intangible Low Taxed Income’), and increasing the tax rate that investors pay on unearned income, Massachusetts can raise significant new revenue from profitable corporations and their shareholders, avoid destructive budget cuts, and instead, invest in the areas of the state budget necessary for an equitable recovery.
We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, call on Massachusetts legislators to raise significant new revenue from profitable corporations and their shareholders before making any budget cuts that would hurt our recovery.