Pay Detroit's Educators for their Work

Governor Rick Snyder, MIchigan Legislature and Detroit Public Schools

There's a basic agreement in America, and it's clear in Michigan law: When you put in a day’s work, you’ll receive a day’s pay. Gov. Snyder, the state legislature and Detroit Public Schools are breaking that deal.

When the state of Michigan passed $48.7 million in emergency funding to keep Detroit's schools open, educators were assured that they would be paid for their work through the end of the school year.

Just this weekend, we learned that the district cannot keep that promise, and most of Detroit's educators will miss five paychecks, amounting to 19 percent of their pay. That means for every week they came to work, they'll only be paid for four days.

Leaders from the Detroit Federation of Teachers met with DPS Transition Manager Judge Steven Rhodes and other decision-makers Sunday and Monday to get an assurance that educators would be paid for their labor, and key programs for students would be funded as promised. But those leaders and Governor Snyder refuse to say the three words our members need to hear: “I guarantee it.”

Teachers have mortgage payments, utility bills, grocery bills. Being paid for their work isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Detroit teachers want nothing more than to be in the classroom helping students succeed.
They have already made huge sacrifices to keep the district afloat. But asking them to come to work with no guarantee that they'll be paid is the final straw. By refusing to pay educators for their work, the district is effectively locking teachers out.

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Washington, DC

To: Governor Rick Snyder, MIchigan Legislature and Detroit Public Schools
From: [Your Name]

I urge you to immediately guarantee that educators will be paid in full for their work. There's a basic agreement in America, and it's clear in Michigan law: When you put in a day’s work, you’ll receive a day’s pay. It's time to stop playing political games and do the right thing for Detroit's students, educators and community. End the lockout and guarantee Detroit educators will be paid for their work.