People's Budget Citizen Cosponsor
U.S. House

We all know: when it comes to improving economic prosperity, too many hardworking Americans have been left behind. Our economic and political system has lost sight of what matters most: We the People.
Luckily, while the Trump administration’s federal budget proposes tax cuts for the rich and increased military spending at the expense of vital social service programs, working people, and communities of color, there is a progressive alternative: the Congressional Progressive Caucus’s People’s Budget: A Roadmap for the Resistance.
Now more than ever, it is critical that we have a federal budget that reflect the needs of ordinary Americans around the country, not the wealthiest one percent and corporations.
The FY 2018 Congressional Progressive Caucus Alternative Budget, The People's Budget: A Roadmap for the Resistance tackles systemic issues with comprehensive solutions, from the impact of climate change on rural communities and communities of color, to implementing criminal justice reforms, to repairing and replacing outdated infrastructure to create millions of sustainable, good paying jobs all over the country.
Among many important provisions to improve our nation, the People’s Budget will:
Invest $2 trillion in America’s infrastructure to transition to a 21st Century economy and transform our energy, water and transportation systems
Expand our commitment to efficient renewable energy and green jobs, including job assistance and training for those transitioning from fossil fuel to clean energy jobs
Invest $100 billion to increase affordable access to reliable, high-speed internet
Protect and expand affordable healthcare for millions of Americans, including support for states to transition to a single-payer healthcare system and provisions to lower prescription drug prices
Create and promote a fair tax system that benefits working families by ending tax loopholes, corporate giveaways and tax breaks for billionaires and Wall Street and ensuring that billionaires and Wall Street pay their fair share of taxes
End corporate tax breaks for offshoring American jobs and profits
Tax Wall Street to fund Main Street
Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Care Credit
Ensure fair elections by increasing funding for voter protection and legal assistance programs and strengthening key election integrity reforms
Advance criminal justice reform and promote safety of American communities by developing community oriented policing reforms, increasing funding to address hate crimes, and promoting policies and initiatives to significantly reduce gun violence
Curb special interest and dark money influence in politics by ensuring public financing of campaigns
Expand affordable housing for low-income Americans by increasing Community Development Block Grants and HOME funds to cities, allocating $32 billion for Public Housing repairs, ensuring 100% of operating needs for Public Housing, adding 400,000 new Section 8 Vouchers and fully funding the End Homelessness Act
Reduce military spending by eliminating unneeded weapons and reducing rather than increasing the US nuclear arsenal, to fully fund badly needed social programs rather than the profit margins of giant military contractors
Sponsored by:
People Demanding Action
Americans for Democratic Action
American Friends Service Committee
Americans for Tax Fairness
Change to Win
Citizen Action of New York
Democratic Socialists of America
Economic Policy Institute Policy Center
Good Jobs Nation
Just Foreign Policy
Mass Peace Action
National Priorities Project
People for the American Way
People's Action
Progressive Congress Action Fund
Progressive Democrats of America
U.S. House
[Your Name]
I support the FY 2018 Congressional Progressive Caucus Alternative Budget: The People’s Budget: A Roadmap for Resistance. This budget includes vital provisions to get America back on track and on the path to prosperity. Now more than ever, we need a budget that promotes an economy that works for all and invests in prosperity for America.
The People’s Budget is right for my family and right for working families across America. I urge you to support it today.