[SIGN ON] It’s not too late: Stop the Willow project

President Joe Biden

The Biden administration has recommended approval of a drilling project in the Western Arctic that will badly undercut the president's own climate goals by adding hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere over the next three decades. ConocoPhillips' Willow project would also cause untold damage to the air, water and food sources of local communities.

We only have a few weeks to raise our voices and tell President Biden he absolutely must not go through with the Willow project.

Sign The Wilderness Society's petition. Send a message to President Biden today!

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To: President Joe Biden
From: [Your Name]

I’m writing to register my opposition to the Willow Master Development Plan and ask that you not move forward with a formal record of decision advancing the project under any circumstances.

Once up and running, the Willow project could put hundreds of millions of tons of added CO2 emissions into the atmosphere over its lifetime—up to the annual emissions of about 75 coal-fired power plants. This would further accelerate the climate crisis and badly undercut your own climate goals.

Additionally, the project would cause untold damage to the air, water and food sources of local communities, making it “another grave injustice to Indigenous people” in the words of the mayor of Nuiqsut, a mostly Iñupiaq village that would be in line for many of the worst consequences.

Once again, please reject the Willow project and prevent it from advancing.

Thank you for your time.