Sign to Defend DACA
Petition Donald Trump and his Administration

**UPDATE: On September 5th, Trump rescinded DACA. It is an attack on the immigrant community and this decision aims to discourage and instill fear in undocumented youth. Do not let Trump and his administration dictate your life, and the life of your family, friends, co-workers and broader community.
Today, we start the battle to find a permanent path to legalization for 800,000 people that were under DACA, however, let’s not forget the broader community. We cannot afford to succumb in division anymore, if we are going to win battles, we all must work together. The focus of action moving forward is no longer Trump, it is now directed towards Congress, for decades both parties, Republicans and Democrats, have been using the immigrant community as pawns and bargaining chips.
DACA, is under attack! On Tuesday September 5th, Trump will announce his decision in regards to DACA. There are rumors that it will not be favorable, therefore, we ask that you SIGN this petition as a pledge to defend DACA! Your life, our life, your sister’s, brothers, cousins, friends, co-workers are in need of your solidarity and your support. ACT NOW. Walk with us, fight with us.
Since 2012, more than 790,000 undocumented [youth] immigrants have benefited from DACA and this has allowed them to overcome hurdles and access opportunities that were not available to them prior. Needless to say their lives have drastically changed and for many they've been able to better provide for their family, friends, and community.
DACA is currently under attack. Attorney generals from 9 states issued Trump warning that they would sue him if he does not end DACA by September 5th. If a decision is not made, or if Trump and his administration chose not to proceed, we still have the threat of the 9 Attorney Generals. We need momentum and pressure regardless of what happens on September 5th.
We will be updating this petition page and providing you with updates.
Meanwhile you should know:
1) Again, DACA is still in effect.
2) Anyone that has DACA and is outside of the United States with ADVANCE PAROLE (travel permit) should RETURN RIGHT NOW.
3) Carry a COPY of your WORK PERMIT everywhere you go.
4) Memorize your “A Number” AKA “USCIS Number”, located on your work permit.
5) For case-by-case questions, speak to a lawyer or BIA accredited representative. Don't fall victim to fraud or scams from notarios and other fraudulent businesses.
6) Your employer can't fire you, put you on leave, nor ask about your DACA status.
7) The social security number that you received with DACA is valid for life, memorize your SSN.
8) Check your state's laws about ID's and driver's licenses.
9) Makes copies of your State ID’s, Driver’s License and Passport.
11) Know your rights!
12) Fight Back!*What is DACA? - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a kind of administrative relief from deportation. The purpose of DACA is to protect eligible immigrant youth who came to the United States when they were children from deportation. DACA gives young undocumented immigrants: 1) protection from deportation, and 2) a work permit. The program expires after two years, subject to renewal.
Please join us by signing the petition.
*Your information will not be shared. We will reach out to you with updates and similar calls to actions as we continue to advocate for social justice. Thank you
Petition Donald Trump and his Administration
[Your Name]
To Donald J. Trump,
We demand that Trump and his administration treat and address DACA Recipients with the respect that they so rightfully deserve. We will no longer tolerate these attacks on our immigrant community.
Immigrants are the backbone of this nation, and this includes undocumented immigrants. We will no longer tolerate your administration and supporters scapegoating our communities at every chance you get.
We are not bargaining chips, we are not political chess pieces. We are humans beings that deserve respect. You will not treat us like strategic pawns.
We demand that you not rescind DACA and allow it to remain in place until a more permanent solution to our broken immigration system is explored and introduced.
We demand that you stop using us as scapegoats. DACA Recipients are valuable members of this society, and it will be unwise to rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.