Tell AU, Justice for Janitors!,,

The hardworking janitors who keep our campus clean are bargaining for a new contract with Aramark, the company AU contracts for janitorial services. Tell AU administration that students demand living wages and benefits for our janitors and that they must put pressure on Aramark to agree to a fair deal!

From: [Your Name]

To whom it may concern,
We the students of American University stand in full solidarity with the hardworking janitors who keep our campus clean as their union bargains for a new contract with Aramark. AU janitors deserve wages and benefits that keep pace with the cost of living and allow them to live full lives in the DMV community. AU's commitment to inclusive excellence must include the largely immigrant and women workers who work day and night to maintain our beautiful campus. We demand you as the administration of our university put pressure on Aramark to agree to a fair deal with SEIU 32BJ.
The Students of AU