Tell Governor Gianforte to Prioritize Educators in Vaccine Rollout
Governor Greg Gianforte

Governor Greg Gianforte recently released his updated vaccination plan, which removes teachers, school employees, and other front-line workers from being prioritized for the COVID vaccine in the coming weeks. This decision is bad for schools, bad for public health, and bad for the thousands of heroic Montanans who have risked their own personal health and safety to keep our schools open and our economy moving. Sign the petition today to urge Governor Gianforte to review and revise his updated vaccination rollout plan.
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Governor Greg Gianforte
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We are deeply concerned with your recent decision to subvert CDC guidelines and remove educators and other front-line workers from Tier B of Montana’s COVID vaccination plan. Since this pandemic began, teachers and school employees have been working tirelessly to keep our schools safe, our children engaged, and our economy moving. They have done so often at the expense of their own personal health and safety.
The decision to put off vaccinating teachers, school employees, and other front-line workers is both bad for public health and immensely disrespectful to these heroic Montanans. This, combined with the rollback of other important COVID restrictions, could have disastrous impacts on our schools and communities.
We urge you to prioritize educators and front-line workers and hope that you will review and revise your vaccine implementation plan to keep our schools open and safe.