Tell Governor Northam: Stop Mountain Valley Pipeline from Bringing More than 4,000 out of state pipeline workers to Virginia in the middle of a Pandemic
Governor Ralph Northam, Attorney General Mark Herring, Secretary of Health and Human Resources Daniel Carey, M.D., State Health Commissioner, Virginia Department of Health Dr. Norman Oliver

It’s a new day in Virginia! Dominion Energy’s Atlantic Coast Pipeline is dead. Gone. Not coming back!
This great victory was made possible by the just demands of a determined, organized, grassroots and multi-generational movement that declared, in one voice, that justice would prevail.
Meanwhile, a federal court in Montana has invalidated a nationwide permit that Mountain Valley Pipeline is relying on to cross more than 1,200 waterways. And a federal appeals court has indicated it is likely to affirm the judge’s finding.
Mountain Valley Pipeline also lacks multiple other permits required for construction.
Despite all of this, the out of state companies behind MVP have stated that they intend to bring more than 4,000 out of state workers to Virginia to complete their corporate boondoggle.
In a concentrated 30 mile area in mountainous Southwest Virginia.
In July.
In the middle of a pandemic.
In a region of Virginia that only has 100 Intensive Care Unit beds.
This isn’t just a bad idea.
It’s insanity.
And the ugly truth is that in Virginia this pandemic has disproportionately affected Black and Brown communities.
For all these reasons, MVP is on the wrong side of history.
But Virginia can get this right.
Tell Governor Northam, who is a medical doctor himself, and his administration “No pipeline work by out of state workers in the middle of pandemic".
Say no to this public health disaster in the making!
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Governor Ralph Northam, Attorney General Mark Herring, Secretary of Health and Human Resources Daniel Carey, M.D., State Health Commissioner, Virginia Department of Health Dr. Norman Oliver
[Your Name]
Subject: Tell Governor Northam: Stop Mountain Valley Pipeline from Bringing More than 4,000 out of state pipeline workers to Virginia in the middle of a Pandemic
Good morning,
It’s a new day in Virginia! Dominion Energy’s Atlantic Coast Pipeline is dead. Gone. Not coming back!
This great victory was made possible by the just demands of a determined, organized, grassroots and multi-generational movement that declared, in one voice, that justice would prevail.
Meanwhile, a federal court in Montana has invalidated a nationwide permit that Mountain Valley Pipeline is relying on to cross more than 1,200 waterways. And a federal appeals court has indicated it is likely to affirm the judge’s finding.
Mountain Valley Pipeline also lacks multiple other permits required for construction.
I urge Governor Northam and his Administration to call for the cancellation of the MVP and MVP Southgate projects. Construction of the unnecessary MVP should never have been allowed to start, and has already served a grave injustice to all those in its path. As I write, MVP, LLC is planning to deploy 4,000 workers to increase work on the MVP during a pandemic, putting workers and community members’ health and lives at risk from the COVID-19 crisis. In a region of Virginia that only has 100 Intensive Care Unit beds. This isn’t just a bad idea. It’s insanity.
MVP, LLC is also trying to push forward an extension of the MVP, called MVP Southgate, despite not meeting the requirements to legally complete its MVP predecessor.
In addition to the ACP’s cancellation, the recent court ruling shutting down the DAPL pipeline has proven that rubber-stamped, unnecessary and unjust projects like DAPL, ACP, MVP and its MVP Southgate extension should not, and cannot stand. Again, I urge the Northam Administration to publicly call for the cancellation of the MVP and MVP Southgate projects, and I ask that they contact the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and MVP, LLC calling for the same.