Tell Keir Starmer to deliver a Big Climate Plan

Prime Minister, Keir Starmer

In 2008 the UK became the first country to set legally binding national climate targets – thanks to the Climate Change Act. But fast forward to today and we're still alarmingly off track.

Our planet is getting dangerously hot, dangerously fast. We're seeing record temperatures and extreme weather like floods, droughts, and storms here in the UK and around the world. Disabled people, people of colour, women and those on low incomes are some of the worst affected.

The last government's plans to meet our climate targets were found to be both inadequate and unlawful. The new government is now legally bound to create a climate plan, to show how we're going to cut carbon emissions and tackle climate change.

This new climate plan must be ready by May 2025. But there's a real risk it will fail to deliver the bold action we urgently need to protect both planet and people - including right here in our community.

If the UK delivers on its climate plan and targets, everyone will benefit from cheap and reliable energy, warm homes, clean air, widespread public transport, thriving nature and well-paid green jobs.

Will you join others in [INSERT TOWN/CITY/AREA] and call on Keir Starmer to deliver a Big Climate Plan that is bolder and fairer for all?

To: Prime Minister, Keir Starmer
From: [Your Name]

Our planet is getting dangerously hot, dangerously fast. Millions of people in the UK are already suffering the impacts of extreme weather, sky high energy bills and rising inequality.

We need a new climate plan that’s bolder and fairer.

Our communities deserve warmer homes, cheaper energy, cleaner air, better public transport, and well-paid green jobs.

I urge you to deliver a Big Climate Plan that hits our UK climate targets and improves people’s quality of life.