Tell the Vipassana Organization: Remove Prime Minister Modi's Tribute Video of S.N. Goenka

The Vipassana Organization in the tradition of S.N. Goenka

We are calling on the Vipassana Organization in the tradition of S.N. Goenka to remove the tribute video featuring Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi from all official platforms. Click here to read more.

Understanding the Modi Tribute Video

Earlier this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a speech commemorating the birth centenary of Vipassana meditation teacher S.N. Goenka. While the tribute is appreciative, it also serves a political purpose for both Modi and the Goenka Organization. For Modi, it is a projection of soft power, where cultural and spiritual themes are used to enhance his influence, policies and political party both domestically and internationally. For the Goenka Organization, promoting the video enhances their brand, and in India, where the tradition’s flagship meditation centers are located, it curries favor with the Modi government.

However, Prime Minister Modi's administration has consistently propped up the Burmese military junta, which has been accused of severe human rights violations, even genocide. Through its formal diplomatic engagement, India provides a veneer of international legitimacy that helps shield the junta from accountability. Even more troubling, they provide arms and training to Myanmar's military, which enables the junta to continue its oppressive and brutal campaign. This includes indiscriminate bombing, which causes widespread suffering and the displacement of millions, the suppression of democratic movements, and the persecution of minority groups.

Therefore, despite the Goenka Organization’s protestations to the contrary, promoting the tribute from a leader who keeps the murderous regime in Myanmar afloat is an inherently political act, with inescapable ramifications. We strongly believe that this alignment contradicts Vipassana's teachings of non-violence, alienates practitioners opposed to Modi's policies, and negatively impacts to Myanmar’s democracy movement.

Sign Your Name

Your voice matters. By signing this petition, you advocate for aligning the organization's actions with its foundational ethical principles.

We respectfully urge the Vipassana Organization to remove Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tribute video from all official websites and social media platforms.

Please share this petition with fellow practitioners, friends, human rights defenders and anyone who values ethical spiritual practice.

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To: The Vipassana Organization in the tradition of S.N. Goenka
From: [Your Name]

I am writing to express my concerns regarding your decision to platform Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tribute video on your official websites and social media platforms.

While the tribute commemorates the birth centenary of S.N. Goenka, its association with Prime Minister Modi carries significant political implications due to his administration's support of the Burmese military junta accused of severe human rights violations in Myanmar, which stands in contrast to the core principles of non-violence and compassion taught in Vipassana meditation and may inadvertently align the organization with these actions, potentially alienating practitioners who oppose these policies and affecting the organization's reputation for neutrality and ethical integrity.

Therefore, I respectfully urge the Vipassana Organization to remove Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tribute video from all official platforms to reaffirm its commitment to its foundational ethical principles and maintain its focus on the universal teachings of Vipassana, free from political affiliations.