Thank Durham's Transit and Paratransit Employees

Employees at GoDurham, Access, and GoTriangle

Join us in sending notes of appreciation to Durham’s transit and paratransit employees on March 18, the anniversary of the date that horse-drawn vehicles (the very first buses) are believed to have debuted in Paris in 1662.   This year, more than ever, we could see how important the jobs of the transit employees are as they continued the bus service for essential workers to get to the stores and businesses that we all rely on. This message of gratitude will be delivered to the frontline employees at GoDurham, GoDurham Access, and GoTriangle.

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To: Employees at GoDurham, Access, and GoTriangle
From: [Your Name]

We thank you for the important service that you provide every day in Durham. Your work has always been important, but never more than during the past year when we all have had to make sacrifices to keep one another as safe as we can. You kept the buses and vans running, providing the essential services that we rely on.

We see the good you are doing in our community. We are your supporters. Through the Transit Equity Campaign, we will continue to champion your needs, and those of current riders and residents of low-wealth neighborhoods of color.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!