We support affordable homes for teachers and staff at the Flood School site

City, County, and Community Stakeholders for Flood School Site

We support Ravenswood City School District’s proposal to build affordable homes at the former Flood School site.  The property is owned by Ravenswood City School District, is located in the City of Menlo Park, and is adjacent to San Mateo County property.  Read more about the proposed project here.  Please sign our letter of support!

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Menlo Park, CA

To: City, County, and Community Stakeholders for Flood School Site
From: [Your Name]

We write in support of the Ravenswood City School District (RCSD)’s proposal to create affordable housing for teachers and school staff at the former Flood School site in Menlo Park.

The proposed project, which is in its early stages of discussion and scoping, would:

- Contain up to 90 affordable homes, restricted by income to meet local affordability limits
- Give Ravenswood City School District staff first preference for these homes
- Provide a sustainable source of revenue to the RCSD estimated at 1-2% of current budget

The cost of living in Menlo Park is at an all-time high, with the average home now crossing the $3 million mark, per Redfin and Zillow. According to mortgage calculators, a household income of over $650,000 would be needed to qualify for an average-priced home.

The affordable homes at Flood School represent a fantastic opportunity for the district and our community:
- Education staff and others will be able to live near their jobs
- The project aims to provide a sustainable source of revenue to RCSD estimated to increase their budget by 1-2%

Economics and exclusion have already pushed out a lot of our region’s long time neighbors and essential workers — don’t let it continue. Help to stop the tide of displacement by supporting these homes and resources for RCSD.

We support homes at the Flood School site.