2021 Open Borders Conference Language Justice Fund Poster
Start: 2021-11-21 23:45:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)
This is a virtual event
Host Contact Info: openbordersconference@protonmail.com
The 2021 Open Borders Conference has launched our first conference poster for purchase in English and Spanish. The 21obc poster is 11x17 (matte) and only $15! and all proceeds go to our new Open Borders Conference Language Justice Fund!
We are thrilled that the 2021 Open Borders Conference will have an expansion into trilingual interpretation for every keynote talk and panel session in American Sign Language, Spanish, and English! We were excited to learn that people wanted to come to the conference from these different linguistic communities. We hope that we receive more requests in the coming years! It is crucial to make the conference accessible to everyone.
The Open Borders Conference Steering Committee decided after this exciting opportunity for expansion, we should build a Language Justice Fund. Those that have the financial ability and are committed to full democratic participation and respect for the human rights for all to be a part of building the Open Borders Conference Language Justice Fund with us.
Open Borders Conference hopes that you will support this crucial work and be a part of the Open Borders Conference Language Justice Fund with us! Purchase a poster, or become a sustaining monthly donor or donate once so that we can keep the Open Borders Conference accessible to everyone for years to come!
The Open Borders Conference (OBC) is a grassroots conference with all-volunteer organizers. We want to keep the Open Borders Conference financially accessible to everyone no matter their economic status while also maintaining a space of growing language justice. We have created The Open Borders Conference Language Justice Fund and we hope that you will support and donate to ensure language justice for all.
All donations are tax deductible. Open Borders Conference is sponsored by Free Migration Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Free Migration Project advocates for migration as a basic human right, and we support the growing movement to abolish immigration enforcement and open the borders.