Get on the bus to DC with the NYS Poor People's Campaign

Start: Saturday, June 29, 202412:00 AM

The New York State Poor People's Campaign is organizing several buses to Washington D.C. on June 29 to join the Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington, D.C. & to the Polls on Saturday, June 29, 2024!

Join a historic assembly of impacted poor and low-wage workers, representatives from over thirty state coordinating committees, leaders from major religious organizations and denominations, labor unions, and other advocates as we kick off four months of outreach to 15 million poor and low-wage infrequent voters.

Use this form to purchase your tickets to get on one of the NYS Poor People's Campaign buses.  Tickets are a sliding scale of $5 and up. The actual cost is approximately $180 per person. Please choose what price you are able to pay. If you can't come but would like to help the NYS PPC cover subsidized tickets, you can donate here:

Buses will depart very early in the morning to arrive in Washington D.C. at approximately 9 am. They will leave Washington D.C. mid-afternoon and return home late in the evening. Exact pickup details will be emailed closer to the departure date.

This event is no longer selling tickets.

If you are interested in traveling from Rochester or Elmira, please contact

For buses from elsewhere in New York, we encourage you to join one of the buses organized by our friends at 1199SEIU. Find bus locations and reserve your seat here: