Ban Second Home AirBnbs, House the People


According the city of Bozeman's own data, there are 760 short-term rentals officially registered within city limits. We have reason to believe that there are hundreds more that are unregistered and not counted by the city. The vast majority of these short-term rentals act as some form of second-home; they are not occupied year-round by their own.

Learn more about AirBnbs specifically here from InsideAirBnb. Note: this data does NOT include the estimated 19% of short-term rentals which are exclusively listed on VRBO.

View a map of all short-term rentals in Bozeman (as well as the county) here from AirDNA, the "leading provider of data and analytics for the $140 billion dollar short-term rental industry. (Create a free account on AirDNA's website to view the data yourself.)