Right to Recovery

The spread of the novel coronavirus has laid bare the gaping holes in our public health and social safety net infrastructure, as well as the brutal inequality built into our economy.
Relief efforts must not follow the usual pattern of trickle down aid for the wealthy.
Instead, we need comprehensive Right to Recovery legislation that includes vital protections for the many, and in particular members of our community who are most at risk--frontline workers, seniors, and those struggling with housing and debt.
Watch our press conference to learn more about these efforts and read our memo on what's needed for working families in this moment.
In the coming days and weeks, we'll be releasing proposals for the recovery we need. Only massive grassroots organizing efforts will win vital measures, including paid emergency leave, a moratorium on evictions an utility shut-offs, medical debt forgiveness, weekly cash payments to all people for living costs, an immediate end to dangerous carceral living situations such as migrant detention camps and pre-trial detention, and more.
Using the forms at right, sign up now to receive action alerts from the campaign, share your story of impact, and sign on as an organizational sponsor.
The Right to Recovery Coalition includes:
Organizations (list in formation): Action NOW, Albany Park Defense Network, Alliance for Community Services, Autonomous Tenants Union, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Chicago Democratic Socialists of America, Chicago Teachers Union, Chicago Votes, Cook County College Teachers Union, Local 1600, Grassroots Collaborative, Illinois Nurses Association, Jane Addams Senior Caucus, Lift the Ban, Little Villiage Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO), Northside Action for Justice, ONE Northside, Organized Communities Against Deportation, Parents for Teachers, Rizoma Collective , SEIU Healthcare, Southsiders Organized in Unity & Liberation (SOUL), Southeast Environmental Task Force / Coalition to Ban Petkoke, Southside Together Organizing for Power (SOUL), Sunrise Movement, The Chicago & Midwest Regional Joint Board, Workers United, United Neighbors of the 35th Ward, United Working Families, UWF 50th Ward, 12th Ward IPO, 22nd Ward IPO, 25th Ward IPO, 33rd Ward Working Families
Elected officials (list in formation): Cook County Commissioner Alma Anaya, State Representative Will Guzzardi, Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson, Alderman Daniel La Spata, State Representative Teresa Mah, State Senator Robert Peters, State Representative Delia Ramirez, Alderman Carlos Ramirez Rosa, Alderman Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez, Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez, Alderman Jeanette Taylor, State Senator Celina Villanueva.