Underfunded, Unaffordable, and Unfair: New Report from Hildreth Institute

Massachusetts students are being priced out of public college by rising tuition and fees.

Now, thanks to a report released by the Hildreth Institute — a local higher education policy think tank — we know to what extent. Their report, “Underfunded, unaffordable, and unfair,” raises some alarming facts. You can read the report here.

Our economy depends on higher education to prepare students for the jobs of the future, but so many students are unable to access higher education with few affordable options. While household incomes remain close to stagnant — cost of public higher ed only soars.

The report highlights the need for our ballot question — the Fair Share Amendment — to create a simple state tax on annual incomes above $1 million. The Fair Share Amendment would generate over $1 billion every year for spending on transportation and public education, including making public college more affordable.

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