Advocating Effectively in Separate and Unequal Schools

Start: Saturday, September 24, 2016 2:00 PM

End: Saturday, September 24, 2016 4:00 PM

SF Families Union is bringing together family advocates like you from schools across the district. All of our children lose out when we have separate and unequal schools – kids of color more than white and more affluent kids, but we all lose. RSVP here so we have a good count for food, translation and childcare.

At this meeting we will learn from each other about the conditions in our schools, how to be effective advocates for equity and create the schools our children deserve, and we will connect together to be a stronger voice on district wide issues.

Organizations which support families like Coleman Advocates, Our Family Coalition (LGBTQ families) and Legal Services will be there to share information about rights and resources for families. Finally, we’ll be inviting you to join workgroups to get to work creating the meaningfully integrated, equitable schools our kids deserve, where they can play and learn together.

To have the biggest impact, bring a team from your school!

Please join us September 24th from 2-4 PM at 251 18th Ave, SF, CA 94117. RSVP here so we have a good count for food, translation and childcare.

Please spread the word and invite other family advocates you know!

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