DSA for the Miners!

Start: 2022-02-08 18:00:00 UTC Central Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

This is a virtual event

Join DSA chapters from across the Southern U.S. for a strike support fundraiser and panel discussion in support of the UMWA miners strike in Brookwood, Alabama. The panel will feature UMWA miners currently on strike, Haeden Wright (President of the UMWA Auxiliary), Jacob Morrison (host of The Valley Labor Report, a union talk radio show in Alabama), and Kim Kelly (labor journalist and author of forthcoming labor history book, "Fight Like Hell").

On April 1, 2021, roughly 1,100 UMWA coal miners at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, went on an unfair labor practices strike over Warrior Met’s refusal to negotiate a contract renewal in good faith. The miners have been on strike for 10 months now, with January 26, 2022, marking Day 300 of the strike. DSA stands in unyielding support of the mineworkers of Brookwood in their strike!

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