March On for Voting Rights DC
Start: Saturday, August 28, 2021• 8:00 AM
March Route Details:
8:00 am: Gathering at McPherson Square Park at 15th St., NW, and H Street
9:45 am: March kicks off from McPherson Square past Black Lives Matter Plaza, passing the White House and Washington Monument.
11:30 am- 3:00 pm: Closing Rally with the backdrop of the National Mall, entering at 12th St. and Madison Drive, gathering from 7th St. to 14th St. between Jefferson Dr. and Madison Drive.
March On for Voting Rights is a mass mobilization to demand that elected officials stop hijacking democracy, denounce voter suppression and ensure fair, easy access to the vote for all. On August 28, the 58th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic March on Washington, we will march on cities across America to demand that the vision of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech be deferred no longer. We invite all Americans who believe in the power of democracy and free elections to join us.
Marches will take place in states where voter suppression efforts are already imperiling our democracy: Atlanta, Georgia; Miami, Florida; Phoenix, Arizona; Houston, Texas; in Washington, D.C.; and across the country.

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