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Edit Event - Black Friday 2015 - Walmart workers #Fastfor15:

View Guidelines

Host Guidelines - Black Friday 2015 - Walmart workers #Fastfor15

Thanks for standing with Walmart workers this Black Friday! As an event sponsor there are a couple things you should know.

First: All the materials & ideas for your event are able for download here at the Action Network. Should you have any questions please feel free to email us at ourwalmartinfo@gmail.com.

Second: Courts have enjoined non-Associate OUR Walmart agents from entering any Walmart property, except to shop. Meaning unless you are shopping on Black Friday you are not allowed on Walmart property in Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Colorado, Ohio, and Maryland; and in California from entering inside stores. You CAN call the store manager from public property or sidewalk at your event and have them come out to meet you.

The shorter and more descriptive, the better.

Search for suggested locations

Not in the US?
Enter a ZIP code to search for locations near you.
Virtual events do not require a location, but virtual events with a location will appear on the event campaign map. (Those without a location will appear in search results only.) At least a ZIP/postal code is required for map placement for virtual events.
Select the timezone in which your event will take place.
Add Banner Image (optional)

Upload an image or banner below. Your image should be 1500px wide by any height (600px is suggested). It will be scaled to a final size of 750px wide.

This is shown to people before they RSVP. Let them know what the event will be like and why they should attend.