NDU Member Activists

Thank you for your interest becoming more active and getting more involved as a member of North Dakota United during this upcoming session of the North Dakota Legislative Assembly! By filling out this form, your name will be added to our list of NDU Member Activists.

Whenever the state Legislature needs to hear the thoughts and opinions of our public educators and public employees on a proposed bill, YOU will be the first to hear from NDU! We'll tell you when your voice is needed, and fill you in on all the details. We'll tell you everything you need to know, including what the issue or bill is all about, who you need to talk to and how you can best reach them. The rest will be up to you! Your voice will speak on behalf of the 11,500 unified members of North Dakota United.

Again, thank you, and we look forward to working with you in crafting a better tomorrow for our members, all public educators and public employees, and the students and citizens we serve.

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