Tell the Kansas legislature: Vote NO on HB 2717

A few Kansas legislators are trying to undermine our victory in passing Safe and Welcoming Wyandotte. Join us for an online training on how to provide important testimony for Kansas legislators to ensure Wyandotte remains Safe and Welcoming!
There are multiple actions you can take with us in this effort.
Attend training on delivering testimony. This online training will happen Saturday, March 12, 9-10am.
Deliver in person testimony. The Federal and State affairs committee in the Kansas House of Representatives will hold a hearing on Tuesday, March 15, beginning at 9am.
Deliver written testimony. If you can't be at the committee hearing, you can still submit written testimony, which must be submitted by 9am Monday, March 14.
Attend the committee hearing. Even if you can't give testimony, our collective presence send a strong message that Kansas wants to be a safe and welcoming state. Show up to the state capitol and wear yellow.