We acknowledge that our workplaces, located in NCR, are on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.
Nous reconnaissons que nos lieux de travails, situés dans la région de la capitale nationale, sont situés sur le territoire non cédé de la Nation algonquine anishinaabe, présente en ces lieux depuis temps immémoriaux.

The Canada Employment Immigration Union (CEIU) represents the vast majority of workers at Service Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).

The CEIU is a component union of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). The PSAC is the bargaining agent which, in concert with the CEIU and other component unions, negotiates with the Treasury Board for service-wide bargaining units such as the Program and Administrative Services (PA) group.

Your CEIU Local 70705 represents IRCC employees WORKING AND RESIDING in the NCR in the Program and Administrative Services (PA) group which includes CR, PM and AS positions or in the Technical Services (TC) group which includes GT positions. We administer our own affairs, elect our own officers and are responsible for the day-to-day relationship with members.

New: Your local is where you live as per CEIU Policy 24 which states “A member who primarily works from home would belong to the closest Local in the geographic area of their home. For large urban centres where there are multiple Locals, a member would belong to the Local associated with their letter of offer. For those members reporting to Regional or National Headquarters, they would belong to the closest Local in the geographic area of their home.”


Please take a moment to sign the union membership card. It is now very easy to do so as it is a virtual process. Once you have signed a union card, you can participate in union activities and provide input in the affairs of the union at all levels. This includes the right to give voice and vote on issues, and to stand for office and receive strike pay.

Once you sign, you’ll receive your PSAC ID#. This can take a few days. Once you have it, you can create a member account on the PSAC national website.

If you are an IRCC employee WORKING AND RESIDING in the NCR in a AS, CR, IS, PM position, please sign your union card as below.

**If you are not a member of this local, please contact your PSAC Regional Office.**

Here’s the link to the virtual union card: PSACUnion.ca/Rand


PSAC ID: (please leave this section blank)

Employer: Treasury Board

Department or Agency: Department of Citizenship and Immigration

Local: 70705 NCR

Component: CEIU

Contact Info: (It is important to include your personal email address as the union will not communicate with you via your work email)

PSAC Privacy and Confidentiality Policies

Update your PSAC information here:

1. Login or create an account on PSAC’s member portal to update your personal email and phone number to receive your voting credentials. We cannot use employer emails for union business. You can create your account using your last name and PSAC ID.

2. If you are not able to create your account, don’t know your PSAC ID, or haven’t received your credentials, please contact your PSAC regional office:

NCR Region- Ottawa

Suite 603 - 233 Gilmour Street

Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0P1

Phone: (613) 560-2560

Fax: (613) 234-6209



2nd Floor, Office 310

200 Promenade du Portage
Place du Centre
Gatineau, Québec J8X 4B7

Phone: (819) 777-4647
Fax: (819) 777-9407

Le Syndicat de l’Emploi et de l’Immigration du Canada (SEIC) représente la grande majorité des personnes travaillant à Service Canada, à Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC), à Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) et à la Commission de l’immigration et du statut de réfugié (CISR).

Le SEIC est un Élément de l’Alliance de la fonction publique du Canada (AFPC). L’AFPC est l’agent négociateur qui négocie avec le Conseil du Trésor, de concert avec le SEIC et les autres Éléments, des conventions collectives applicables à différentes unités de négociation, telles que celle des Services des programmes et de l’administration (PA), qui comprennent des membres dans l’ensemble de la fonction publique.

Votre locale SEIC 70705 représente les employés d’IRCC au sein de la CN pour les Services des programmes et de l’administration – dans le groupe Services des programmes et de l’administration (PA), qui comprend les postes AS, CR, IS, PM; ou dans le groupe Services techniques (TC), qui comprend les postes GT. Nous administrons nos propres affaires, élisons nos propres dirigeants et sommes responsables des relations quotidiennes avec les membres.


Veuillez prendre un moment pour signer la carte d'adhésion au syndicat. Il est désormais très facile de le faire car il s'agit d'un processus virtuel. Une fois que vous avez signé, vous pouvez participer aux activités du syndicat, apporter votre contribution aux affaires du syndicat à tous les niveaux et voter lors de la ratification des contrats et du vote de grève.

Important : conservez une copie de la confirmation en ligne.

Lien vers la carte virtuelle: PSACUnion.ca/Rand

Renseignements sur le membre

ID de l'AFPC: (veuillez laisser cette section en blanc)

Employeur: Conseil du Trésor

Ministère – Organisme: Ministère de la Citoyennetté et de l’Immigration

Section locale: 70705

Courriel personnel: notre employeur ne nous permet pas de communiquer avec vous via courriel professionnel.

Politiques de l’AFPC sur la protection de la vie privée et sur la confidentialité.

Our Actions

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