FFF Culture
Documents which will help you understand how FFF International Map, slack, local groups in general see the movements
- Vision Proposal (Agreements (Code of Conduct))
- GDPR Declaration of Understanding (Core Values)
- Fridays for Future Code of Conduct and Vision (not used)
- Fridays for Future Social media Code of Conduct (not used)
- Local Groups: FridaysforFuture (FFF) Core Values and SaturdaysforFuture (SFF) Core Values
- Local Groups Community Platform Code of Conduct Proposal
Core values
Code of Conduct and Vision Page and Form
3 method for x, 4 methods for y and 2 methods for z
Advice Culture
Regenerative Culture
- FFF Dispute Transformation
- Factual Recitation
- Introduction process with impact statement
- Fork
Vision Holder
Include everyone but the excluders
List the methods Nate thinks is important.
Everyone decides everything versus Hierarchy versus Self Organizing Systems (SOS, Sociocracy)
- When everyone decides everything the workers (doers) are not empowered.
- When hierarchy decides everything the doers are not empowered. Therefore a payment system is needed to keep pushing the movement, and without good leadership easily in the wrong direction, on top of the risk of 'investor' brand buy out.
- When SOS decides the doers are front and center, therefore the expertise form the actual doing is taken seriously.
References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6r3-s2p7eI
Would sociocracy work for your organisation?
XR Swedish version slightly different. Anchor group is central.
XR UK Constitution
What do Self Organizing Systems (SOS) need?
Active positive engagement.
- Being co responsible, for a 'doer', can create a barrier to entry. Just doing the work can lead to burn out.
- Sitting on the side line and then when there is failure saying, 'I told you so!', is also an easy group burn out process.
email: map@fridaysforfuture.org or conflicttransformation@fridaysforfuture.org
References Sample History Version Information:
Feedback please: FFF Dispute Transformation Manual v4 Summary
Version 2: 2023 Dec: Advice Process included Janine O'Keeffe, Ken Batts, Lena S
Version 1: 2022 March: The FFF culture page is a summary page, using ideas from Reinventing organisations and inspired by FFF USA work in this area. Janine O'Keeffe, Lena S
The Fridays for Future Culture is a part of the Fridays for Future international workgroups.
This page is still growing