FFF Culture

Documents which will help you understand how FFF International Map, slack, local groups in general see the movements



Core values

Code of Conduct and Vision Page and Form

3 method for x, 4 methods for y and 2 methods for z

Advice Culture

thorns: getting media to work with and publish work is hard and getting harder, we need strategies.

buds: LI is a good method for SR to be seen and to gather in new people. I do not know if there is 'funnel' for new people and how can not know if they are 'new'. Shall we immediately ask a few questions to the employees who join?

This is part of the reason for the Signal SR LI chat.
thorn: new and all people, especially older, female and/or MAPA countries are often less educated and see themselves as not 'scientists'. Even though many are often part of the 'educated elite' within their circles, so community wise isolated.

Rose: the COP28 after letter was great, and we need to speak with a 'single' voice like this more often. Though my experience such letters become way too long and too many people involved in the advice editing stage so it falls away.

This time it was 5-10 people and it worked, with two main writers I believe, and the rest advised and accepted.

These letters normally being originally worked in English NEVER work in every culture and country even in English, so they need to just have a few 1-3 people who 'decide' upon the advice being and then the advisors see their 'important' role as advisors as people who prepared to accept the role as inspectors of 'wrong' things and not polishers to perfection.

Regenerative Culture



Vision Holder


Include everyone but the excluders

List the methods Nate thinks is important.


Everyone decides everything versus Hierarchy versus Self Organizing Systems (SOS, Sociocracy)

- When everyone decides everything the workers (doers) are not empowered.
- When hierarchy decides everything the doers are not empowered. Therefore a payment system is needed to keep pushing the movement, and without good leadership easily in the wrong direction, on top of the risk of 'investor' brand buy out.
- When SOS decides the doers are front and center, therefore the expertise form the actual doing is taken seriously.

References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6r3-s2p7eI
Would sociocracy work for your organisation?

XR Swedish version slightly different. Anchor group is central.
XR UK Constitution

What do Self Organizing Systems (SOS) need?

Active positive engagement.
- Being co responsible, for a 'doer', can create a barrier to entry. Just doing the work can lead to burn out.
- Sitting on the side line and then when there is failure saying, 'I told you so!', is also an easy group burn out process.

email: map@fridaysforfuture.org or conflicttransformation@fridaysforfuture.org


References Sample History Version Information:

Feedback please: FFF Dispute Transformation Manual v4 Summary

Version 2: 2023 Dec: Advice Process included Janine O'Keeffe, Ken Batts, Lena S
Version 1: 2022 March: The FFF culture page is a summary page, using ideas from Reinventing organisations and inspired by FFF USA work in this area. Janine O'Keeffe, Lena S

The Fridays for Future Culture is a part of the Fridays for Future international workgroups.
This page is still growing

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