Pedal Rebels Sydney

Sydney's Pedal Rebels are a cycling activism affinity group of the international Extinction Rebellion movement.

We aim to disrupt business as usual and to bring attention to just how unsustainable our toxic transport system is. We also want to encourage healthier lifestyle choices and pressure governments to make cycling a safer transport alternative. We regularly ride around Sydney’s CBD and suburbs on weekdays and on weekends. Please join us.

On WEDNESDAY MORNING, 9 JUNE 2021 The following email message was sent to all of those Pedal Rebels that had registered to ride in the National Fuel Blockade Rebel Ride.

Hello Pedal Rebel,

We'd like to thank you for registering for the National Fuel Blockade Rebel Ride on June 10 at Port Botany. We are so appreciative of your willingness to take part in an action which is a bit out of the ordinary for us compared to our usual Pedal Rebel rides and our outreach days.

Safety is always the paramount concern for our Rebels whenever we are riding together, and this is even more the case when we our riding in support of an action like the National Fuel Blockade in which we would be forming rolling blockades to slow heavy vehicles.

Because of this concern two of the provisos we put on our participation in this action were:

  1. that there should be a minimum of ten riders in the rolling blockade, and;
  2. that the rolling blockade have at least one shepherding vehicle travelling between our peloton and any heavy vehicle.

In addition, there was a concern that the route from the city to the port might be difficult for unconfident riders, but that concern was resolved with a safe route being found using mainly local, 50kph streets, all the way to the port.

However, because it guaranteed to be raining solidly for most of the day, including the two hours of the blockade, we have taken the decision not to take part in this action as a rolling blockade. That is not to say that we won't be turning up. We are encouraging everyone who has signed-up as a Pedal Rebel to show up to the blockade and support this action.

If you still choose to ride to Port Botany there is a safe route from Central via the light rail which leaves from the Chalmers Street stop travelling to Juniors Kingsford. You can travel on the light rail with your bike to Juniors Kingsford and from there it is an easy 25 minute ride which uses mainly local streets all the way to Port Botany. Clicking here should take you to a Google Maps route that you can follow.

Remember, if you still intend to ride to the action, you will need decent working lights, a bell, wet weather gear and an umbrella wouldn't go astray. Abandoning the ride doesn't mean abandoning the action. We can still make this blockade a success.

If you wish to get in touch with us please email

Hoping to see you all at the Sydney National Fuel Blockade.

Pedal Rebels Sydney

The Rebellion Strikes Back

Help us tell NAB's leaders to come clean on their dirty, fossil fuel investments.

Pedals Rebels at the National Fuel Blockade Port Botany

Thursday afternoon, 10 June will see the National Fuel Blockade taking place across Australia. In Sydney it will be taking place at the corner Bumborah Point and Friendship Roads, at Port Botany between 4pm and 6pm. The Pedal Rebels will be forming a peloton leaving from Mascot Station at 3pm for a short ride down Botany Road to the rally point at Port Botany.

At the action the Pedal Rebels will be forming rolling blockades, with other 'shepherding' vehicles to slow trucks moving the liquid fuels out of the port.

It is essential that there are at least 10 riders for the rolling blockades to take place so please register for this event using the links above if you are interested in taking part.

It is the pretty close to the winter solstice so wear warm clothes and stick as many gaudy flashing lights to your bike as you can.

For more information about the blockade go to the following link or see the action listing in this email.

How to join Sydney's Pedal Rebels

If you are already a member of Action Network, click the APPLY TO JOIN button on the right (top of the page if you are viewing this on mobile). If you have not yet logged in you will be prompted to enter your email address and password and then you will receive a notification with the message YOUR APPLICATION IS AWAITING APPROVAL.

If you are not already a member of Action Network you will be prompted to create a profile when you click the APPLY TO JOIN button.

An administrator should approve your application or be in touch with you within a day or two.

Extinction Rebellion acknowledges that our rides take place on the land of the Gadigal People and that sovereignty over this land was never ceded. We acknowledge Gadigal elders past, present and emerging and the way they have cared for this country for tens of thousands of years.

Our Actions

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