Take Action to Support Clean Air in CT

DEEP has extended the comment period to August 30, by 5 pm. Keep the comments coming!

Send your message to CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection: I support clean cars and trucks for healthier, more breathable air and a more livable climate.

Reducing pollution from cars and trucks can protect our air, our climate, and our health.

A Koch brothers front group is riling up opposition to this common sense regulation, and senate Republicans are using state resources to carry water for the oil industry to spread lies and mislead the public and set CT back in fighting the climate crisis.  

Senate Republicans are claiming the new regulations would be a ban on gas care – which is a lie; they would ban the sale of new gas cars.

Connecticut has the worst air quality in the region, and tailpipe pollution from cars and trucks make up nearly 40% of greenhouse gas emissions. This is bad for our planet and our air, with the worst impacts in low-income and minority neighborhoods.

Important new regulations to clean up car and truck pollution have been drafted by the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection and the agency is seeking public comment. These regulations are critical to address the climate crisis and clean up the air we breathe in Connecticut.

Right now DEEP needs to hear from you! Send a message to DEEP to show your support for clean cars and clean trucks in Connecticut.

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