Tell Color of Change to Stop Union Busting!

On November 15th, 2024, Color Of Change (COC) announced that they intend to conduct yet another round of layoffs by December 31, bringing the count to four (4) rounds of layoffs and impacting sixty-six (66) union employees. This announcement comes on the heels of the National Labor Relation Board (NLRB) ruling that Color Of Change violated the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) when they unlawfully laid off 49 union employees in their first three rounds of layoffs, conducted in 2023. In each round, the collateral has been bargaining unit members, specifically those who are leading negotiations with COC’s management.
For over three years, the Color Of Change Union has negotiated in good faith, seeking a fair contract to improve the economic and working conditions of its members. A fair contract would improve employee morale and reduce the high rates of turnover resulting from talented, hard-working staff making their exodus out of an unstable workplace.
Every step of the way, COC’s management and its various board members have pushed back by gutting union membership, targeting and retaliating against union employees, and nearly bringing negotiations to a halt. COC has retained notorious anti-labor law firm, Seyfarth Shaw, outsourced bargaining unit work to high-priced consultants, and prepared a six-figure severance for Rashad Robinson, the president and leader of Color Of Change, whom employees overwhelmingly demanded to step down in October 2024, all while publicly stating they are facing financial instability.
But who is paying the price for the continued financial mismanagement of a president more concerned about his social status than the organization’s stability?
The Answer: Union Employees.
Enough is enough. If you believe that:
All employees should have the right to a safe working environment and fair wages, including equal pay for equal work.
Color Of Change should start providing increased economic and career opportunities to ALL employees, not just senior management.
Color Of Change should immediately stop all actions that are contrary to their stated mission.
Color Of Change should halt its appeals to the NLRB and comply with the Board's ruling.
Color Of Change should stop unfairly targeting and retaliating against union employees.
Color Of Change should stop paying executive allowances or golden parachutes to unethical “leaders”.
Sign our petition to let management and the board know you stand with Color Of Change’s Union.