Vote NO on RFK Jr

US Capitol Building
Photo by Mike Hersh

We urge the US Senate to reject the nomination of Robert F Kennedy Junior to serve as the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Use this action alert to send emails to your Senators, then call your Senators at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.

Ask to speak with the staffer working on health issues. Leave a message if they’re not available.Calls are more important and effective than emails, but please do both.

Tell them to vote no, and share some or all of the following facts:

Robert F. Kennedy Junior is utterly unqualified by temperament, as well as lack of necessary knowledge and experience to manage the agency responsible for the healthcare of Americans. We strongly urge our Senators to vote against confirmation because the nominee:

  1. Has promulgated debunked, dangerous, pseudo-scientific, and false conspiracy theories which have had fatal consequences, especially regarding vaccines and infectious diseases including HiV/AIDS, COVID-19, and childhood diseases.
  2. Is shockingly ignorant about the basic mission and mechanics of HHS, and radically underestimates the federal government’s role in providing health care through HHS programs.
  3. Erroneously asserts that people dislike Medicaid and Medicare when those programs are extremely popular with the public
  4. Opposes ongoing efforts to keep live-saving medications more affordable.
  5. Has demonstrated troubling moral and ethical lapses. His cousin Caroline Kennedy attests that the nominee convinced others to do dangerous, illegal drugs. He has stated that a worm has eaten part of his brain.
  6. Has admitted that he’s mistreated animals and abused women, exhibiting a repulsive coldheartedness, and lack of compassion necessary to direct the HHS.
  7. Has advocated against proven safe and effective vaccinations, while hypocritically availing himself and his children of the same vaccines.
  8. Has prejudices and false beliefs likely to block and delay approval of life saving vaccines likely to cause apocalyptic consequences during future pandemics.
  9. Has enriched himself by $2 million by initiating litigation against pharmaceutical corporations, according to Senator Elizabeth Warren.
  10. Will likely enrich himself by securing consulting contracts upon leaving office for favors done while in power.
  11. Rejects the premise that healthcare is a human right.

In conclusion, Robert Kennedy Jr.’s lack of experience and competence as well as his established practice of convincingly misleading people to reject life-saving healthcare, all make him dangerously unfit. For these and many other reasons, Robert F Kennedy, Jr. must be rejected by the United States Senate.

Tell your Senators: “You must vote to reject Robert Kennedy Jr.’s nomination to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services.” Use this action alert to send emails to your Senators, then call your Senators at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request. Tell them to vote no!