Governor Newsom — Lead on Medicare for All! // ¡Diríjanos en Cuidado de Salud (Medicare) para todos!
Governor Gavin Newsom

We are Californians who believe that healthcare should be guaranteed as a human right. We are calling on Governor Gavin Newsom to fulfill his promise to fight for single-payer healthcare in California. You can read the petition below the list of co-sponsors.
A single-payer system would mean comprehensive healthcare for all Californians, including but not limited to:
Medical & Dental | Vision & Hearing | Reproductive Health |
Prescription Drugs | Mental Health | Long-term Care |
It would also mean Californians wouldn’t need to worry about the cost of care:
NO Co-pays | NO Fees | NO Denial of Coverage |
NO Deductibles | NO “Out-of-Network” | NO Bills |
The U.S. is alone among wealthy countries in not providing healthcare to every person as a human right. That we pay twice as much for a system that profits from denying care is shocking. This is a labor issue: healthcare costs increase every year for workers while wages remain stagnant. This is a social justice issue: people of color, women, LGBTQ people, immigrants, and disabled people are disproportionately uninsured and unable to receive the care they need. This is an economic issue: taxpayers and businesses waste billions of dollars annually to subsidize pharmaceutical and insurance corporations. These companies are now making record profits during a deadly pandemic at our expense. It's time to put people over profits.
In the era of COVID-19, single-payer has taken on a new urgency. COVID has revealed the fundamental injustice of a system that restricts access based on whether you can afford it. In California, the disparities are stark, with racial minorities contracting COVID at startlingly higher rates than whites. Single-payer is key to addressing this profound inequality. Meanwhile, the pandemic has left millions unemployed and uninsured, the vast majority of whom have been working class. Barriers to care discourage people from getting needed COVID treatment and jeopardize everyone’s health.
Gavin Newsom led the fight for universal healthcare as mayor in San Francisco and made single-payer a pillar of his campaign for governor. On his first day as Governor, he made the same request of Trump that we’re now asking him to make of the Biden Administration. It seems complicated, but requesting the federal Medicare waivers is mandatory for a state to have its own single-payer system. The official who would grant these waivers is the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Biden Administration has nominated Xavier Becerra — who is also an advocate for single-payer, and is the outgoing California Attorney General under Governor Newsom's administration. With this unique situation, there has never been such an enormous opportunity for Governor Newsom to guarantee that every Californian receives high-quality, comprehensive healthcare.
We understand the power of the healthcare industry and the millions they will spend trying to defeat our efforts. We are asking Governor Newsom to lead the way and request the necessary federal Medicare waivers within the first 100 days of the Biden Administration, to fulfill his promise of single-payer. Californians, please join our fight.
This video is the first in a four-part series focusing on front-line nurses' stories of how single-payer would improve and even save the lives of their patients, as well as make the jobs of nurses more rewarding. These powerful videos were produced by volunteer organizers in East Bay DSA, a coalition affiliate of Healthy California Now and an early co-sponsor of this petition.
Somos Californianos quienes creemos que el cuidado de salud debería ser garantizado como un derecho humano. Estamos llamando en usted, Gobernador Newsom, para que cumpla su promesa de pelear por cuidado de salud de pagador-único en California – al pedir suspensiones de Medicare, con otros fundos esenciales de la administración de Biden en el día de Inauguración, el 20 de enero de 2021.
Un sistema de salud de pagador-único significaría un exhaustivo cuidado de salud para todo los Californianos el cual incluyera lo siguiente, pero no limitado a esto necesariamente solamente:
Medical y Dental | Vision y El Oír | Salud Reproductiva |
Medicamento con receta medica | Salud Mental | Cuidados de Largo Plazo |
Adicionalmente, también significaría que Californianos no tuvieran que preocuparse por el costo de cuidados de lo siguiente:
NO Copagos | NO Cuotas | NO Rechazo de cobertura |
NO Deductibles | NO “Fuera-de la-red” | NO Fracturas |
Los Estados Unidos se distingue entre las naciones apoderadas en ser el país que no proveer cuidado de salud a toda persona como un derecho humano. El hecho que tenemos que pagar lo doble por un Sistema que obtiene ganancias al negarles cuidado de salud es totalmente inaceptable. Este es un problema de labor: costos del cuidado de salud incrementan cada ano para los trabajadores al mismo tiempo que los salarios se mantienen fijos. Este es un problema de justiciar social: personas de color, mujeres, gente de la comunidad LGBTQ, emigrantes, y personas con discapacidades son las personas que están desproporcionalmente sin seguro médico y no pueden recibir el cuidado que necesitan. Este es un problema económico: contribuyentes y negocios gastan billones de dólares anualmente para subvencionar farmacéuticos y corporaciones de aseguranza. Estas compañías ahora están hacienda ingresos históricos durante una pandemia de mortandad la cual nos está costando a nosotros. Es tiempo de poder a la gente por encima de las ganancias.
En la era de COVID-19, pagador-único ha tomado un papel sumamente importante. COVID ha revelado que existen injusticias fundamentales en el sistema que restringe el acceso basado a lo que pueda pagar. En California, las diferencias son más evidentes, con las minorías raciales contrayendo el COVID a una proposición mucho más alta que los anglosajones. Pagador-único es la clave para hacer mejorar esta desigualdad profunda. Mientras tanto, la pandemia ha dejado millones de gente sin trabajo y sin Seguro médico, la gran mayoría los cuales son de la clase trabajadora. Los obstáculos de salud desaniman a la gente de buscar la ayuda que necesitan para recibir tratamiento de COVID y a la misma vez ponen en riesgo la salud de todos.
Gobernador Newsom, usted llevo la pelea para cuidado de salud universal en San Francisco, usted hizo pagador-único el pilar de su campana, y en su primer día en su posición pidió lo mismo a Trump que estamos pidiendo que haga de nuevo, pero esta vez a la administración de Biden. Ahora se presenta una enorme oportunidad para que usted como líder nos lleve a hacia la nación y provea a cada Californiano con cuidado de salud de pagador-único de alta calidad.
Entendemos el poder que tiene la industria de salud de cuidado y los millones que trataran de gastar para derrotar nuestros esfuerzos. ¿Gobernado se compromete usted a llevar la pelea necesaria y pedir las suspensiones necesarias de la administración de Biden el 20 de enero de 2021, para usted puede honrar su promesa de implementar pagador-único en California?
Governor Gavin Newsom
[Your Name]
We are Californians who believe that healthcare should be guaranteed as a human right. We are calling on you, Governor Newsom, to fulfill your promise to fight for single-payer healthcare in California — by requesting waivers for Medicare along with other essential funding from the Biden Administration within its first 100 days!
A single-payer healthcare system would mean comprehensive healthcare for all Californians including but not limited to: Medical, Dental, Prescription Drugs, Vision, Hearing, Mental Health, Reproductive Health, and Long-term Care.
It would also mean Californians wouldn’t need to worry about the cost of care: NO Co-pays, Fees, Deductibles, “Out-of-Network,” Denial of Coverage, nor Bills.
The U.S. is alone among wealthy countries in not providing healthcare to every person as a human right. That we pay twice as much for a system that profits from denying care is shocking. This is a labor issue: healthcare costs increase every year for workers while wages remain stagnant. This is a social justice issue: people of color, women, LGBTQ people, immigrants, and disabled people are disproportionately uninsured and unable to receive the care they need. This is an economic issue: taxpayers and businesses waste billions of dollars annually to subsidize pharmaceutical and insurance corporations. These companies are now making record profits during a deadly pandemic at our expense. It's time to put people over profits.
In the era of COVID-19, single-payer has taken on a new urgency. COVID has revealed the fundamental injustice of a system that restricts access based on whether you can afford it. In California, the disparities are stark, with racial minorities contracting COVID at startlingly higher rates than whites. Single-payer is key to addressing this profound inequality. Meanwhile, the pandemic has left millions unemployed and uninsured, the vast majority of whom have been working class. Barriers to care discourage people from getting needed COVID treatment and jeopardize everyone’s health.
Governor Newsom, you led the fight for universal healthcare in San Francisco, you made single-payer a pillar of your gubernatorial campaign, and on your first day in office you made the same request of Trump that we’re asking you to make of the Biden Administration. Now there is an enormous opportunity for you to lead the nation and provide every Californian with high-quality, single-payer healthcare.
We understand the power of the healthcare industry and the millions they will spend trying to defeat our efforts. Will you commit to lead the fight and request the necessary waivers within the first 100 days of the Biden Administration, to begin fulfilling your promise of implementing single-payer in California?