Vote for effective and meaningful Missing Middle zoning reforms

Arlington County Board

The Arlington County Board is poised to end exclusionary zoning by voting to allow more than one unit in existing single-family only areas. But that zoning reform may not actually result in diverse or attainable housing if the proposal does include too many restrictions. Tell the Board Members that you want Missing Middle zoning reforms that actually deliver more housing!

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To: Arlington County Board
From: [Your Name]

As our elected leaders, you have the choice. Arlington can embrace growth and inclusive housing options or continue down the path of spiraling inequality. Keeping the status quo is unsustainable for Arlington.

Missing Middle housing will:
End exclusionary zoning, which is rooted in racial segregation;
Allow denser homes that are more sustainable than suburban sprawl;
Allow homes that are more attainable for more families; and
Allow more diverse types of homes that fit more sizes and types of families.

Approving a further compromised zoning reform would fail the intention of the Missing Middle housing study, because it would not create realistic conditions for more sustainable and attainable homes in Arlington’s low-density. It would also fail the thousands of Arlington residents who support an expansive and effective Missing Middle housing market.

Therefore, I am asking you to adopt zoning ordinance amendments that:
Allow up to 6 units per building by right on all residential lots;
Have no parking mandate for lots near transit;
Give flexibility in lot coverage, design standards, and gross floor area; and
Impose no cap on permits.

Only through adopting a robust and flexible Missing Middle zoning reform can Arlington County fulfill its vision of being “a diverse and inclusive world-class urban community.”