Newsletter Nov 2022 for WhatsApp members

Newsletter for Exeter Green Party Members


Here is your members newsletter for this Autumn.

Members online meeting - this Wednesday 16th November

Catch up on what Exeter Green Party is doing, ask any questions you have of the Executive Committee, meet other members. The meeting will also be asked to confirm anyone that Executive Committee propose as the new Elections Coordinator .

Click here for details of the meeting.

Be a Green Secret Weapon!

Wish we had more Green Councillors in Exeter? Then think about being part of our ‘Secret Weapon’ by joining the door knocking team. Knocking on doors, talking to residents and asking about their concerns is one of the most effective things we do to increase the chances of our candidates winning. We welcome people coming along to just ‘look and see’ - you will be surprised just how much fun it is!

Find out more here

Autumn Green Gathering Sunday November 27th

All members are warmly invited to attend a fun, friendly gathering, featuring cake, lovely people, conversation, drinks and music. Central Exeter on Sunday 27th. November 2–6pm. It's also a fundraiser so anyone who loves to run a raffle, auction of promises or tombola, this is your chance.

Check it out here

What have Exeter’s Green Councillors been doing?

Our 5 Green Councillors have been working really hard across a whole range of city-wide and local issues.

Find out more here

New Executive Committee

A new Executive Committee was elected on 6 September 2022. The new committee comprises:

Party Coordinator - shared by Lynn Wetenhall and Jack Eade;Volunteer Coordinator - Adrian Allery.

The Elections Coordinator role is currently vacant: applications for the role are warmly welcomed.

Find out more

Thanks to all of you for supporting Exeter Green Party. Special thanks to Jo B for her first go at helping to create this newsletter.

Thank you!

Adriain, Lynn and Jack, Exective Committee

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