Tax The Rich - Nebraska

Tax The Rich
Robbgodshaw, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

We can make more than ends meet.

We’re tired of the rich rigging the rules in their favor. It’s time they pay what they owe us so we can fund the Nebraska we deserve. Nebraska wants to Tax the Rich.

How we got here

We make our state wealthy

Our exhausting jobs and hard-earned dollars are the cornerstone of the state’s wealth.

The rich rig the rules

The greedy few control the wealth we create and make our lives unaffordable. They use their power to keep quality housing, healthcare, education, transportation, and more out of our hands.

We can have more

We win essential services for ordinary Nebraskans by taxing the rich and their corporations.

A Nebraska we deserve

We can fund Nebraska with:

  • Sustainable Affordable Housing
  • Mass Public Transit
  • Zero-Emissions Renewable Energy
  • Food Security for All
  • Clean Water

Contact your State Senators and tell them to Tax The Rich

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